Harjavalta is only 55min away from Rauma (road 12 to Eura and road 43).
You can find here the "Paradise recreational trail" (Paratiissin luontopolku) below the power plant along the Kokemäki river, which is a beautiful 6kms long trail.
There is also the "Hiitenharjun area" south of road 2. In this area you can find a very small ski resort but also many pathes in the forest, and country ski slopes/trails.
harjavalta map
Paratissin Luontopolku :
Paratiissin luontopolku
Hiitenharjun :
hiitenharjun map
Country ski trail between Hiitenharjun and Pitkajärvi :
Hiitenharjun - Pitkajärvi country ski trail map